Posted in Life, ThankfulFor

Dear John

I should be studying right now…or sleeping (sleep is good). Instead, I’m going to write about John. Yes, John is a real person. And yes, that is really his name.

About two weeks ago, we met by chance.

His smile was sweet and his speech genuine. I was hooked without knowing much about this new-found stranger.

The only thing is…we knew we wouldn’t ever happen.

Let me explain.

This realization came quickly when he asked if I drank alcohol or did drugs (jaja…I’m not kidding). When I answered: “No”, he let out a “What a shame” and stated that “we would not work out” because he “indulged” in both.

We laughed about that and carried on as if we had known each other for years.

Somewhere along the way, John felt impressed to give me his two-cents about living.

He asked me to get out of my comfort zone, and to go meet authentic people. He asked me to be careful because not everyone was capable of loving wholeheartedly.

He told me to travel.

He said I reminded him of his mother (whom he is very fond of). He said we’re both beautiful, smart, fun, and sincere.

John believes that her and I deserve the best because our devotion is unmatched. We would much rather have One fully committed human, than the attention of 200.

His kind words resonated within me. This John-guy hadn’t known me for 2 minutes, and yet, he felt the need to protect me and my unseen beauty.

John retaught me something great; that I am worth the wait.

Dear John, thank you for your unfeigned love.


28 | LDS | Lover of most everything I’ve always expressed myself better through writing, so I figured I’d share my thoughts and experiences about life, faith, and being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints that way. I hope my stories will help you endure this crazy ride we call 'Life'. I will be as honest as I can about my struggles, my joys, and the things I believe to be true.

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